Kevin Daughtery is in the process of planting a church in western PA. He offers these observations at his blog:
... What I realize now is that I do not really want a progressive church, just as I do not want a conservative church.(via Sojourners)
Church is supposed to be family. It is not supposed to be progressive, moderate, conservative, or whatever label you would like. Church is a word that literally means community, and communities are diverse. Communities are composed of many individuals with their many flaws, opinions, and talents. Christian community, or church, is supposed to be especially unique in that not only are we supposed to be a community, but we are supposed to unconditionally love one another. We are supposed to be able to love our enemies and go two miles when someone only requests that we go one with them. We are supposed to come together to break bread, whether Jew or Gentile, rich or poor, male or female, progressive or conservative.
- I want an inclusive church. I want a church where people of different theological, social, and political opinions can come together and worship.
- I want a church where people recognize with humility that they might just be wrong, and with the recognition of the ability to be wrong comes the ability to dialogue.
- I do not want to attend a church that is an ego trip where the same opinions are just recycled and confirmed.