Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Return to sender

A town in Spain is mailing dog poo back to the offending owners:
http://1-ps.googleusercontent.com/x/www.thehollywoodgossip.com/images.thehollywoodgossip.com/iu/t_xlarge_l/v1370463788/attachment/xno-pooping.jpg.pagespeed.ic.BCGQFodKgb.jpgOfficials in Brunete, a small town of 10,100 inhabitants on the outskirts of Madrid, came up with the idea for a social awareness campaign last year in a bid to stamp out its dog excrement problem. ... 

Brunete Town Hall recruited 20 volunteers to patrol the streets in search of guilty dog owners.  As soon as they spotted a poo that had gone astray, the undercover volunteers would approach the owners and strike up a casual conversation with them.
"They’d ask them what the dog’s name and pedigree was. With that information they could find out the address of the pooch’s owner from a registered pet database we have," Brunete’s Town Hall spokesperson told The Local.

Volunteers would then pick up the turd, box it and deliver it to the pet owners along with an official fine warning, while cameramen filmed the embarrassing scene.

As a result of this surreal campaign, Brunete Town Hall estimates the amount of dog-mess seen on the streets has dropped by 70 percent.  ...
"The campaign has been well-accepted in Brunete," the council spokesperson told The Local.

"A lot of people have called for designated areas to be set up where dogs can do their business though. As they say, different loos, for different poos."
(h/t Marginal Revolution)