Some of the most thought-provoking responses to Edge's annual question, as summarized by Motherboard, suggested by my Swiss miss, and whittled down by me:
Mind-reading in Spielberg's Minority Report |
"That authorities and companies will
soon be able to read people’s brains." –Stanislas
Dehaene, neuroscientist
"That digital technologies are
sapping our patience and changing our perception of time." –Nicholas G. Carr, author
"That technology may endanger
democracy." –Haim Harari, physicist
"The homogenization of the human
experience." –Scott Atran, anthropologist
"That the gap between news and
understanding is widening." –Gavin Schmidt, NASA climatologist
"The end of hardship inoculation." –Adam Alter, psychologist
Humanoids in Spielberg's A.I: Artificial Intelligence |
"That synthetic biology will spiral
out of control." –Seirian Summer,
lecturer in behavioral biology
"That we will stop dying." –Kate
Jeffery, professor of behavioural neuroscience
"We should be worried about how we go
about finding the wisdom to allow us to navigate developments as we begin to
improve our ability to cheaply print human tissue, grow synthetic brains, have
robots take care of our old parents, let the Internet educate our children." –Luca De Biase, journalist